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It has been a long and beautiful journey to become a High Priestess in the American Tradition of the Goddess. Growing up, I was very fortunate to be able to call 25 wooded acres in the hills of Oklahoma my home. Discovering I felt more at home in the woods than I ever felt indoors, I was a curious mind ever exploring.  This sense of adventure has grown with me into my adult years.  My roots in paganism stemmed from studying my Native American heritage through childhood and college.  Becoming involved with rebuilding grass huts, interacting with local tribes, dancing pow wows and being a part of many sweat lodges, I felt something in my soul stir. I was home.


After discovering Wicca and the many eclectic sides to paganism, I sought out the opportunity to learn from a coven. Summer of 2007, I interviewed with Circle of the Wild Wood, but they would not be starting classes until early summer of 2008.  After relentlessly bugging my soon to be High Priestess Rhys to begin classes early, I began my formal studies as a student at Circle of the Wild Wood on May 18th, 2008.  Finding my own spiritual tribe of like-minded individuals, I initiated as a First Degree Witch on October 17th, 2009. I fell in love with researching the overlapping of religions across the globe and found my passion in the magick of the runes. I was fortunate to have amazing teachers and mentors, and the creative freedom to dabble and seek further into the Well of Wisdom.  I became a Priestess of AmTrad on May 5th, 2012 and soon afterwards the Guardian to Circle of the Wild Wood on July 1st, 2012. Serving in Hierarchy for several years gave me a new perspective on group dynamics and the inner workings of a long-standing coven. I loved my role as Guardian, but on February 7th, 2015 became Maiden to my High Priestess. After requesting my 3rd degree questions and intensive study, I became a High Priestess on March 19th, 2016. 


Over the years I have had the unique opportunity to give back to the community! I have enjoyed writing rituals for public and private gatherings in both AmTrad and Covenant of the Goddess. I have been fortunate to be able to teach classes at Wicca 101, work with incredible Maidens to put on Clan Gathering every year since 2014, attend conferences from United Earth Assembly to Gypsy seminars, taught countless classes to students through Wild Wood and other local covens, completed years of specialty workshop weekends such as the 3rd degree weekends, 2nd degree weekends, as well as solitary witch workshops. Nearly a decade since beginning my walk with AmTrad, I circled out of Wild Wood on January 29th, 2017. Soon afterwards, I dedicated my new coven Well of Wisdom on Imbolc February 2nd, 2017. I am currently working on continuous studies and specializing in water witching. One day I hope to publish my first book and always dreaming of new adventures to come. 

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